The Writer



As a writer I have grown so much from the first time I started writing till now, mostly within my story writing. I use to write more superficial kind of stories that a grade 3 student would typically write; however, I still do write stories but I have developed a stronger concept to show my child-like wonder with more of a professional sound to it. I for sure have gotten at giving details to the reader without being too obvious. What I mean by this is that I am not just describing the usually way by giving the details of the colours and shape but going further into details of those ordinary factors.

The way I would explain my voice to others is that it has a storyteller vibe mixed with ideas that people don’t think about. My style is very much intertwined with my voice. It definitely has a child-like vibe to it; meaning that I use memories that most people, especially adults, tend to forget and shove into the depths of their minds. I try to use my memories and also topics that are not discussed usually.

As a mentor writer, what advice would you give to future creative writers?

From what I have learned and developed from this year practicing writing I would tell other writers to be true to who you are. If you start off emulating, not just copying, other writers that inspire you that is okay, but remember that your voice is unique. I would also mention that you should try to experiment with topics/ideas that you can use to strengthen your voice and style. For advice all I really want for other writers to know is that you are one of a kind, use that to your benefit.

I plan to continue to write whenever I get inspiration or thoughts that I believe should be shared with others. I hope to continue to write on this blog to help my happiness spread to others that need it.










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