The Blogger




I actually love how my blog has turned out since my vision for happiness has been accomplished within my blog. I really liked what I did with the yellow colours, both the posts pictures and the blog itself, and I really enjoy seeing happy gifs before clicking on the posts. I choose Studio Ghibli gifs for my posts because his movies always have a wonderful moral to them that make humans think about how they are treating the world and each other. His ideas behind each of his movies is something I want to accomplish, to change the world for the better, and if that starts off with my happy blog then so be it.

Zainab, Pragya, and Oba all have amazing blogs all unique to them. These three blogs are my favorite because I got to find out more about them just by reading their great writing. I love Zainab’s blog for the reasons that first off i LOVE Disney, and second the way she includes Disney, or ideas of Disney, into her writing and then using it in her own unique way. For Pragya I love her writing is a style that is not usually used and a old fashion vibe to it. It truly represents her as a individual within the writing community. Lastly, Oba’s blog is so calming to look at, the aesthetics work really well for what he wants to show to others, and his writing is genuine. Each of his pieces are well writing giving the reader a little snippet of who he is. (You can find each of their links on the sidebar of my blog)

For each of these blogs and their owners, they definitely intrigue me for they are different and personal to them. I love seeing people go outside of the box and show the world who they are.

I have not explored any professional bloggers quite yet for I am still new to the whole world of blogging, but I hope to explore more blogs that I can relate to in the near future.










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